A weekend full of 'furry'
Last weekend my little sister Tracy came to visit. We had been planning this get-together for some time and finally were able to make it happen!
She is one of the lead coordinators for the animal shelter in her area: Sheyenne Valley Friends of Animals
A while back she asked me to help her design some murals to use at the annual SVFA 'wag and walk-a-thon'. . We aren't exactly sure what the technical name is, but we call them 'stand-ins'. You know the kind... the ones that have goofy images on the front and people can put their faces through pre-made holes, making it look like they ARE that goofy image/person?
We had such a good time creating these special pieces of art, and hope they will serve SVFA for many years in the future!
Very cleaver and cute!! We will be sure to take pictures with them at the annual walk-a-thon. Put together artistic ability and marketing and advertising and you come up with GREAT ideas. Good Job :)