Saturday Scrapbook Page
>> Saturday, July 3, 2010 –
Happy 4th of July!
Every family has their traditions. For the Strasser side of my family, it was gatherng in Stanley, ND for what we called the 'Fourth AND July.' I think this probably stems from the fact that many of the family members on that side are teachers who had the summertime to spare. And by 'many' I mean my grandpa and grandma, and all four of their children - and eventually also including one of my cousins and my sister Shayla, who herself married a teacher. THAT is a tradition all in itself!
Great memories of the Fourth, your page and pictures captured all. Traditions help keep us all "connected", and will be something your children will remember and cherish.
Val – (July 6, 2010 7:55 AM)
Great memories of the Fourth, your page and pictures captured all. Traditions help keep us all "connected", and will be something your children will remember and cherish.