Let's hear it for the BOYS!
At our house it is tradition to take photos of mom with kids on Mother's Day and dad with kids on Father's Day.
In the past this has at times been an excruciating process where multiple photos are taken, kids are crying and dad is frowning and begging that I be done. Perhaps because of the boys ages this year or perhaps because they had just woken up from naps, all were relatively cooperative and I got this photo in just 3 takes!
We spent a blissfully relaxing Father's Day by going to church in the morning, followed by breakfast at a local cafe, then 'family nap-time'. The day ended with a nice supper out at Craig's Parent's house where 4 generations of boys and men, sons and fathers, posed for yet another photo op.
Nice photos, great that you were able to get them all together :) Special day for Fathers with their children.
Great Caption!!